Montavons Berries
Our Crops
We have four varieties of blueberries growing on 6.5 acres that produces over 100,000 lbs of blues annually. Blueberry season typically begins the first week of July but can start anywhere between June 15-July 20th. Although we have the berries commercially picked, U-picking blueberries on our farm is a unique experience. Families are allowed to pick anywhere in the field, any variety. Picking season runs 8 weeks with heaviest picking times three weeks after we open. Contact us closer to harvest for prediction of opening for blues.

The Dukes are the first blueberries of the season to get ripe on our farm. Duke blueberries are very firm large berries with a mild taste. Dukes are great for long shelf life while fresh and easily frozen.

Bluecrop berries are powder blue in color and grow in large clusters. They are large, sweet, and very flavorful with a hint of tartness. They come on a week to 10 days after the Duke and are very hardy. Bluecrop blueberries are easy to pick, have the longest shelf life and freeze easily.

Blueray berries are our sweetest variety and start to ripen a week after the Bluecrop. These berries are a bit smaller with a high sugar content. They are perfect for baking and freeze well with full flavor. Our children will only eat pancakes made with these berries.

Herbert berries are the favorite of the family. Herberts are huge and pack a lot of flavor, they are both tart and sweet. These berries are best eaten fresh. Herberts are very large and therefore softer than the other varieties. Many of the berries are as big as a nickel with some the size of quarters. Herberts are an old variety and not commercially grown much anymore.